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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Anna S. V. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/09/2020 15:55:11

It is a very nice rpg and one can feel how much love and thought was put into it! I (and also my group) really likes how easy and fast the character creation is and how many options one has within the world!

There were a few small things which we changed rather fast, for example did we decide to keep the moodmarker longer than just for one scene because otherwise we always lost them before they became useful. But that can of course vary from group to group and small things like this are easy to adapt for every round. :)

In general we really enjoy playing it! And at the moment we do so every week over discord. :) Most of my players even drew their characters and created very nice stories around them. So yes, it is definitly worth your while. :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/24/2020 23:09:43

Michtim: Fluffy Adventures by Georg Mir (@GeorgMir)

Michtim RPG

This is game whose design, layout and artwork are all the labour of love of Georg Mir (@GeorgMir), they still make clear Mitchim “would not have been possible without the help of countless passionate people”. These include Alexander Oslaj’s input on the Setting Idea, various Playtesters and those who offered Words of Wisdom and the M(o)use, Cornelius Funkenflug (what a sensational name!?), Mir’s djungarian dwarf hamster who’s “charming (even if ferocious) personality” was an inspiration “during the project”. “He’s a fluffy gangster (being locked up behind bars), and utterly adorable at everything he does.” Finally, Mir thanks You, “for putting your trust in [them] and [their] little world. Hope you enjoy making it your new home.”


This rulebook employs a beautifully brilliant, simple and aesthetic style utilising the colours of the rainbow and individual symbols to breakdown the various elements of the book to make navigation so much easier while flipping through searching for rules mid-game. For example, the introduction and lexicon are denoted by a quill and ink and the colour red, while Michtims have a Michtim face with the colour orange.


“Michtim is a role-playing game that tells the story of fuzzy little heroes that live right next to human settlements.” These fuzzy little heroes are eponymous Michtims, which despite their adorable hamster-sequence look “are actually members of an intelligent species that is not closely related to rodents.” These are the characters you will build and have great adventures with protecting forests and getting into mischief.

How to Play

This clearly explains the basics of tabletop roleplaying, a GM/ referee and players playing characters, in a clear and accessible way, Conveying the concept in an impressively concise and understandable manner, regardless of age or experience. (This is something I could definitely learn from!)

Things You Need

This section goes on to list and explain the elements needed to play a game of Michtim. These being Friends, the players and GM needed to have an game, Six-Sided Die (D6), the dice mechanic only requiring a “handful” of D6, Poker Chips (Wound Tokens), any stackable set of seven (or more for the GM) items such as poker chips, coins or whatever works to keep track of wounds, 2 Types of Glass Beads, these are used to track the Mood and Karma of Michtims, with higher mood, greater chance of success and Karma being rewards for “acting in harmony with the three virtues Charity , Civilization and Conservation” (this is another element which can easily be replaced, as with the Wound chips or Tracked differently as necessary), pencils and paper – oh so that’s why they are called pen and paper RPGs! – and finally a character sheet, which is provided, along with additional content and resources, at

All in all, a simple set of items and/ or substitutions, as well as many helpful resources website.


Common Vocabulary and Phrases

This section contains some of the additional words and phrases involved in the game, which the Michtims learn during their schooling in Fauchschule, containing four pages of new word and/ or the more specific meanings of words/ phrases in the game. All in alphabetical order with a brief explanation and phonetic pronunciation for the new and words foreign to English.

Here are a few examples:

Bande (BUN•day): A band of Michtims, going out on adventure

Bocicne (botch•ITCH•nay): A range of tasty bakery products that are highly priced in Michtim culture. There are both sweet and savoury bocicne.

Calling: A mystical archetype that a Michtim aspires to. As long as the Michtim cares to follow the Calling, it reaps the benefits. Michtims are known to switch Callings if it suits their whims. They are never locked into mindless jobs.

Michtim (mich•TIM): The name is pronounced similar to the way me•XI•co is pronounced in Spanish. It sounds a bit like hissing.

Symbolaya: The magical lore of meanings, words of power and archetypal resonances. Also refers to the art of written conversation.


Mihitimus sapiens

“Michtims are a species unlike any other. Judging by looks alone, they would be most surely mistaken for hamsters, rats or mice. Michtims are different from rodents on many levels though: biologically and psychologically, and because of their complex social structures.”


The Michtim may look like rodents, but they are highly intelligent beings who have evolved the appearance of rodents to avoid capture. They are so elusive that no research has been done on them, so adept are they at hiding their resistance.

This section goes on to describe Michtim in detail including, their Fur Coat, Body Type (small, wiry or strong), Sharp Fangs, Intelligence, Lifespan, Diet, Magical Aptitude and speech. Along the way there is advice for new players creating new Michtim.


I will be touching on some of the main aspects on this section, the book itself contains more background information about Michtims and their culture.

Life Among Michtims

“Michtims build communities and have strong social mechanisms to organize themselves into groups. They even have dedicated learning facilities that are similar to human schools.”

Young Michtim attend Fauchschule “hissing school” for their formative teaching in all manner of important lessons detailed in this section.

Tree Capital Turnaya

The ever-expanding capital of Michtim culture with all manner of different shops, shrines and nests.

The Michtims live in a democratic monarchy with Hauses with varying virtues Michtims choose when they finish their apprenticeship.

Human Relations

Things are a little fraught between the Michtim and “longlegs” on account of the “furless ones” not caring for the environment, treatment of animals and destruction of the forests – You have to admit they have us there...

Basic Rules

The baseline mechanic involves rolling D6 equal to their “emotion rating” and seeing whether the score beats default difficulty. The example provided involves using Anger to attack, checking the score (3) and then rolling 3D6 to attempt to beat the difficulty.

This basic rule is nice and simple for anyone to get to grips with. The mean roll on a D6 is 3.5 so your chances are good with 3, but you can always risk it with 2. Also, having a default score to beat keeps things moving, with the only things everyone needs to know at this stage of playing are their emotion rating (we’ll get into that more later, but they are essentially your ability scores), the default difficulty and where their dice are!

Hitting Hard

Successes are referred to as “hits”, regardless of the check being combat relayed. Beating the default score is one hit, but to get more you can choose to set aside dice from their emotion rating. Each die set aside is another hit on a success. This example shows an emotion rating of 4 with 2 dice rolled and 2 in reserve. If the 2 rolled dice beat the default difficulty, that and the 2 set aside make 3 hits.

This takes the baseline and adds an exciting element of risk as you gamble on getting more hits for greater success, but there’s always the chance you could roll poorly and could have really needed those dice. Combined these easy to learn rules allow all to play as straightforward as they like, with the choice whether to get tactical being optional and adding more chance, calculations and risking it for a biscuit...or should that be a Bocicne?

Getting into the Mood

Everyone loves exploding, getting a critical or otherwise rolling the maximum on a die when the roleplay, and Michtim has its own use of crits. “Mood Markers” are tokens earned when 6s are rolled, which add a passive benefit to beating Emotion Rating for the Mood they were earned in. The Mood Markers also apply a possible negative to the Emotion Rating for Mood opposed to the Mood they were earned in called “Mood Distractions” (More on opposed Moods later). There are limits on how many Mood Marker a player can have and for how long they last.

Mood Markers also can be spent to buy dice at the beginning of an action. These are constrained to the Mood they were earned for.

All these rules are clearly laid with their own page containing clear descriptions and examples with illustrated dice. This clean and clear style makes learning the rules nice and easy, as the rules from the most basic, building on the previous understanding of the rules. The single page layout keeps things clear and focused, as well as making referencing more straightforward than scouring pages full of text.


The Core of the Hero

There are five Emotions at the heart of characters and their actions in Michtim, which are Joy, Love, Grief, Fear and Anger. Each Emotion has basic actions connected to it, and an opposing Emotion These are clearly laid out in a diagram and explained clearly, along with paragraphs on “Using Basic Actions”, “Roleplaying Emotions”, “Social Interaction” and “Distractions”. There’s also a sidebar on how new characters can choose to allocate their starting Emotions scores.

The five Emotions are depicted by bright symbols that clearly confer their meaning, along with descriptions of the Emotions with explanation of their colour and associated actions.


Advanced Belly Brawling

Combat is explained in the same clear manner as the previous rules with paragraphs on “Combat Time”, “Initiative Roll” and “Player Vs Player” with this glorious quote, “Michtims usually will not kill each other. If they do, they are hunted down and arrested. Just saying.”

The “Action Types” in Michtim, the “Move Action” allows a standard distance to be travelled or the “Evade” action to be taken, the “Regular Action” does what it says on the tin, being the standard action used to do most actions i.e. “Attack, Cure, Hide, Jolt and Weep” and the “Reflexive Action”, which is the instant free actions, such as short speech.

These are a tight set of actions that are easy to follow with their simplicity allowing for swift exciting turns during Combat Time.

Wound Tokens

Sadly, your cute critters are going to take some damage on their adventures. This is counted using Wound Tokens, which can be healed with Cure and certain Gear (we’ll get into Gear a bit later).

Wound Effects

There are four different type of Wound Effects, all sadly modelled by one unfortunate Michtim. These are “Blinding Wound”, “Cruel Wound” and “Slowing Wound”, all of which negatively affect certain actions, and “Worsening Wound”, which...gets worse and does more damage round after round.

Being Knocked Out / Defeated

Michtim have a set number of wounds and/ or level of wounds they can take before they are Knocked Out. Being Knocked Out does not mean death and very few of the foes in the game are actually looking to kill – this is adorable, plucky, furry friends going on grand adventures after all!

A great table of suggestions for what might happen when a lone Michtim or the entire Bande are taken out is provided and can be rolled on. My favourite entry is this beauty, “They see the error of their ways. They didn’t mean to harm you.”


Becoming a Hero

Callings are the trades or classes that Michtims choose, which have their own advantages and options. Unlike other TTRPGs, Michtims can be “attuned” to up to three Callings at once and with enough experience they can learn any number of them. The fluid nature of Michtim culture and their vacillating between jobs is represented by their being a number of ways to change the attuned Callings, most regularly in their dreams while asleep, but even in combat using a “Karma Point” (We’ll talk more about Karma Points later in Allegiance).

Each Calling is laid out over two pages with, subtitle that encapsulates their role, a short piece of prose about a Michtim who has chosen the Calling, a description of the Calling, its mechanical bonuses and possible Synergies (Callings that work well together), their unique ability, examples of apprentice names on the first page, and the second contain the Talents for the Calling (named for the Calling e.g. Paths for Adventurer), half page artwork and a short description of the mechanics. The second page can easily serve a quick reference guide for the Calling.

The callings available are:

Adventurers are a hearty jack of all trades, able to collect extra mood markers and try their luck to mitigate bad happenings, at the risk of making them worse.

Artists an integral part of Michtim Society, “their work, called Symbolaya, they codify everything that is remarkable about life”. They have the ability to leech and redistribute mood markers making them a great support.

Bards unsurprisingly have unmatched charisma and can play tunes that buff their fellows.

Cooks create various brews that bolster their fellow’s actions and can whip up healing tasty healing brews.

Courtiers “wield words with the grace of a master fencer”, allowing them to influence opponent’s Moods, hampering undesired actions.

Cyberthooths “are highly refined tech-soldiers” with a focus an edge provided by their implants, allowing them to perform actions reflexively.

Daredevils in many ways are the adrenaline junkies of the Michtim world, diving in to take the hit for their fellows and using pain to gain markers of their choice. Their Stunts (talents) have some of the most adorable names, such as “Bwah! You’re so mean!” for Grief.

Frostpaws can use their freezing touch reflexively to block opponents’ actions. This hands-on approach gives them the ability to limit their enemies’ and control the battlefield.

Sorcerers used their magical knowledge to perform from afar with a wide variety of offensive and defensive abilities.

Tacticians bring the bande together in their actions and can target multiple foes utilising technology and cunning.

Witches place Hexes on friends and foes with conditional triggers they set. They also get a familiar, which can be a teeny tiny version of a creature!

The range of classes is impressive and covers a great range of roles and play styles. Each bring something uniquely helpful to the table. I particularly enjoy how loose elements are for flavouring. Does the Tactician utilise a powered gauntlet or is it purely their honed acumen that gives them their abilities? The Cybertooths definitely have some kind of technology, but you’re free to have it as arcane, steampunk or sci-fi as you like. The Callings set out the archetype, but the player makes it their own.


This section discusses Callings that work particularly well together, such Cybertooth and Frostpaw for maximum control of foes, and Cook and Mechanist combining to create an awesome animated servant. It’s great to see how the Callings work together to inform choices and get an idea of how you want to build and play your own Michtim.


This section covers the swearing allegiance to the big three factions (Hauses), as well as the Karma and Sin mechanics. These make the choice of Haus and their Virtues, such as Civilisation for Haus Grauling. The Virtues and Sins are described in more detail at the end of the section, but the mechanic and how the GM rewards and punishes Michtims is made clear. Essentially, acting against the Virtues of your house is punished by sin tokens that block the gaining of Karma for the relevant Emotion.

The three Hauses each include their Name and Subtitle (e.g. “Haus Barsik, Protect the wild!”) Heraldry and its significance (e.g. the interlocking cogs of Haus Grauling) Haus Holdings (e.g. the capital that shares its name with Haus Turnaya), their Virtue and what it means to them (e.g. Civilization for Haus Grauling) and two further headings relating to the lore, operation or personality of the Haus.

The thought and grounding each of the houses has in the Michtim culture is incredible and the mortality of the house is clear and easy to interpret

Virtues are broken down into three level Sins hierarchy for each Haus’ Virtue; minor sins (e.g. Refusing to help for Charity), harmful (e.g. Denying Intellect for Civilisation) and capital Sins (e.g. Ravaging Nature for Conservation).


This is the equipment Michtim can gain access to. These are Cloaks, which act as armour, Tools are weapons and gear that grant bonuses on big hits, and Accessories, which have a one-use ability before the need to be recharged.

Damage is broken down between magical, physical and technology based.

These simple, but expansive trios of effects are more than enough for variety and customisation without there being a million different things to be aware continuing the accessible, quick and easy approach to the whole game design. Three is the magic number!

The Tools, Cloaks and Accessories are broken into common items (e.g. a sword in Tools), and Haus specific items (e.g. a Spidersilk Cloak for Haus Barsik). All laid out with name, action (For Tools), ability, type, numerical bonus and Restore (for Accessories).

Character Creation

The process of creating your own Michtim is “as easy as eating bocicne” because of the inspired four ranks, which allow the players and GM to choose the complexity they wish to be playing with. I mentioned this in the rules section, but the tiered nature of the rules allows for extremely easy to play basic rules and increase complexity with experience.

These ranks are Fauchschule Kid, Apprentice, Hero and Veteran, making up the choice of rules and progression of character with the Veteran getting an Ultimate (awesome abilities we’ll get to). Clear explanations are given for each element at each rank and a character is built up over the examples the ranks.


This chapter was edited for clarity in 2019.

The system for progression used Karma points, which are earned for upholding your Michtim’s Virtues, “accepting failures and roleplaying flaws”. This encourages roleplay and being in character as it is the only way to progress comparable to gaining Inspiration in D&D5e. Having these Karma be awarded by the players as well as the DM is a lovely mechanic, which encourages players to stay engaged and show their appreciation of their fellow’s roleplay and character.

Karma is spent to acquire new Callings, Talents and Ultimates. The point score is clear on the character sheet with the new Callings being more expensive with their Talents becoming increasingly cheaper, reflecting the mastering of the Calling. Because all Callings and Talents can be acquired eventually, but only three can be active at once, the progression ascends to a height of three mastered callings and then horizontal as new Callings are learned, though there is still a final way to become even more accomplished as when a Calling is mastered its Utility can still be used when it’s not attuned. This all reflects the mercurial and curious nature of Michtims, always looking to learn more.

Emotion Ratings don’t change through progression, though it is possible to move a D6 from one Emotion to another at the end of a Story if there is a character-based reason for it to change, such as moving one from anger to love, after developing a strong friendship in your adventures.

The character sheet available in the back of the book and on the Michtim website linked in this section is bright, clear and contains everything a player need including references for Emotions and Sins, space for Callings with the prices for new Callings and Talents, three slots for the three types of gear and space and prices for Ultimates. It’s seriously an elegantly laid out work of inspired design, understanding accessibility and simplicity, perfectly reflecting the game itself.


These are extra techniques that can be acquired and activated by spending Karma with the prices clear on the character sheet that work always available feats that cost Karma to use. Four are included with the comment, “They are nothing but a starting point to base your own creations on.” All four examples take an emotion to boost, add a related trigger and ability with the required Calling.

Ultimates boost a specific Emotion and have a secondary ability that requires a specific trigger and Calling to work (e.g. Shock Charge allows an Angry Tactician multiple targets if they on a conductive material).

These abilities are good fun and are another fantastic opportunity for the GM and players to collaborate, either by the player petitioning the GM for their idea for an Ultimate when the get the opportunity to buy it or for the GM to become more familiar with the players and create Ultimates inspired by their Michtim’s endeavours.

Game Design

This section talks very opening about the ideas of reskinning and hacking the game to fit a setting or theme you might want, as well as discussing alternative Callings. This is a refreshing thing to read and is inspiring for the prospective GM.


This section takes you through the designing of an episodes and missions, Michtim encounters and adventures. Beginning with taking inspiration from your favourite media, through the scene (a framing situation), spicing things up (adding tension and suspense), location, including example plot hooks, connecting scenes and example keys (the archetypical scenes: combat, socialising, investigation and planning). Each part is described in an easily accessible and helpful manner, so you will be creating your own episodes and missions on no time.

Sparks Flight

This is an example Escort/ Rescue Mission which sees a band of Michtim travel to unfamiliar territory, face various perils and challenges as they a taken to a pet store, must as escape to save their companion, making it to a family home, tangling with the house cats and child to save the day, only for a new betrayal and story hook to come to life.

This fun and fascinating mission exemplifies the way Michtim uses scenes to build to episodes and the mission with its own take on describing the narrative and action. This eschews boxtext in favour of providing all the information and flavour to the GM to interpret and describe as they see fit, encouraging improvisation and originality. The mission also exhibits the range of checks, skills combat and roleplay to give a great overview of the game mechanics.

Cast and Crew

In this final section of the book we are introduced to the notable characters and NPCs of the Michtim world, from Queen Miyu and the guest star of Sparks Flight and heir, Cornelius Funkenflug, through the mighty Daredevil Cybertooth, Apollonia Stahldfaust and he mischievous brood to the parachute sombrero wielding Miguel De Bormen and the wicked, Isabella Frostherz. 11 NPCs in total (counting the brood as one), encompassing the breadth of Michtim society, all with description, artwork, callings, gear, statblock and adventure seeds give you more than enough to start creating your own episodes and missions!


These are things only known to Michtim, including the Corrupted (particularly sinful Michtim become monstrous with some even managing to hide their true nature, though a hard road to salvation is possible [and a great story hook]), each Virtue has its own specific monstrosity with Charity having Callous Fiends, Civilisation’s Barbaric Beasts and Conservation-sinning resulting in Ravaging Ghouls, and the Veil, which keeps Michtims and Turnaya secret and safe from the long-legged world.


A thorough and easily referenced index has everything you need to find what you want with speed. This navigation is also helped by the pdf actually having a great section and element breakdown, which really is essential for all large PDFs these days, but is often frustratingly overlooked.


This is nearly 120 pages of adorable awesomeness! A beautifully simple and elegant rules system with varying level of complexity for different groups with awesome ideas, mechanics and background lore.

The art style and artwork throughout are so wonderfully adorable and truly encapsulate the vibes of Michtims and the game.

Just a note on the art of the various Michtim classes on the Haus page – It’s freaking adorable! The chef is SO happy!

This is clearly a labour of love with joy and fun at its heart. I cannot recommend it more strongly for anyone and everyone who wants a fun, fast roleplaying game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim for 5th Edition
by Curse o. S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/04/2019 07:57:16

Michtim for D&D 5e by Georg Mir (@GeorgMir)

This is an awesome race supplement with lashings of background and lore, presented in a professional and accessible manner, allowing you to bring the adorable and admirable Michtim from their own wonderful roleplaying game into your own D&D 5e Games.

Being written by Georg Mir (@GeorgMir), creator of Michtim: Fluffy Adventures and these happy scamps, you know you’re getting a healthy slice of Michtim life, though I heartily recommend checking out their own RPG for the full Michtim experience! ( - Review coming soon!). Also, if Starfinder is more your sort of thing, Mir has you covered (

The expensive background and lore of these “cute but fierce” critters are impressive and provide everything you need to get into character and/ or integrate the Michtim into your game/ world.

But what are these new furry friends?

“Michtims are small humanoid creatures that are completely covered in fur. They share various features with small woodland animals like hamsters, rabbits, mice, squirrels , hedgehogs or wildcats. Due to their small size and cute looks, they were enslaved by larger races as pets, until they were able to free themselves from oppression. They are a highly egalitarian culture that views everyone as valuable. They look after each other and make sure that their young grow up to become equally friendly and protective people.”

They are guardians of forests, with their home, Turnaya, being accessible through untainted forests. This makes them perfect additions to and creates seeds for forest adventures, as well as having their kingdom and their interactions with fey as elements to explore and enrich your game.

It’s doesn’t have to be all arboreal action as “some Michtims are driven by wanderlust” making them great for adventurers and joining parties, especially as “they make friends easily”.

There is also fascinating information provided about the life cycle, education and society of the Michtim.

Information is provided on the naming conventions of Michtim, including personal names and deed names.

Michtim Traits

Full racial traits are provided, including their chosen House denoted main ability score increase and values of said house, their quick, but long life spans, languages, size, speed (climbing and scurrying), and advice on alignment, as well as the Michtim specific racial traits, which reflect their closeness to beasts, adorably harmless appearance and their intrinsic relationship with nature.

All in all this is a fantastic race supplement steeped in lore, well thought out mechanics and place within D&D and delightful artwork by Kim Van Deun (@Sketch_Ferret ). Everything you need to bring these lovable fuzzy friends into your games.

This supplement is available at PWYW with the suggested price of 0.00, but I urge you to support a wonderful creator and fantastic supplement if you are able.

Don’t forget to check out the full Mitchim: Fluffy Adventures RPG ( which I will be posting an in depth review of in the near future.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim for 5th Edition
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Sarah B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/28/2018 18:54:48

I started playing this with my 11 and 7 year olds, mostly because it is cute (we play D&D together). It is not only adorable, but super fun as well. Very customizable and user friendly, with easy to understand mechanics. Could build an infinite number of stories around the characters as well. Highly recommend!

One thing I would like to have to go with it would be a section with a variety of generic opponents and NPCs to use when crafting stories. (EG different animals and their feeling tolken setups).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Fox W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/02/2016 02:36:04

Check out our review of this game here!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by John C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/02/2013 00:00:00

I am not quite sure who this game is for. The aesthetic and back drop to this game is wonderful for my 6 and 9 year old. They love the idea, and had a lot of fun imagining the characters.

The mechanics to not match the age. The idea of them is wonderful. To match different emotions to different skills/talents. But it is far to complex for people under 10. A simpler mechanic would have server the desired demographic better. I wanted to love this game, and it is a valiant effort. After one session, my kids voted to try something else.

We would switch to hero kids, but we have already worn that game out.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Daniel L. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/17/2013 13:57:51

imagine, if you would, a world of fuzzy creatures. Roughly hamster shaped and sized, these tiny warriors fight against a humanity that would destroy the forests they hold so dear. Sound fun? then Michtim is for you.

Created by Georg Mir, Michtim: Fluffy Adventures is a rules-lite RPG currently available through DrivethruRPG. Mr. Mir was kind enough to supply the game for free for a short time, but I liked it enough to purchase the physical copy. It should be noted that the PDF and hardcopy book are identical, but for the sake of brevity, I'll be using the bound copy for this review.

Physically, Michtim is a nice little book, though the binding seems a bit iffy. I've read that this is an artifact of DrivethruRPG's printing process, so I won't hold it against the game. The book is split into thirteen sections, each denoted by a symbol and a colored strip at the page's edge. An index and table of contents are included, further easing the location of fiddly bits, should they be fiddly.

Mechanically, Michtim is a simple pool vs TN resolution. Rather than traditional attributes, Michtim have emotions, each of which governs a specific group of actions. Anger for attack, for example. In lieue of classes, we have callings. Acting much like classes, callings grant a set number of abilities based around a certain archetype. Up to three callings can be stacked, allowing a bit of modularity in what your character can do. At first, I found the idea not to my liking, as it presented a risk of min-maxing in a rules lite game. The author has taken this into consideration, however, and even notes how certain callings play well together, and shows examples of exactly how. These prove to be no more superior than any other combination, so I'll let it slide. NPCs, an adventure, and sections on creating adventures help to fill out the book.

So what are Michtim? How do you pronounce it? Luckily, Georg Mir has a section explaining both! In a nutshell, Michtim (pronounced Mishtim, lots of hissing in their language) are furry critters about the size and shape of a hamster. Something akin to forest spirits, they protect nature and the earth from naughty tallfolk (humans) that would cause a mess.

Interestingly, while humans don't actually recognize the existence of michtim (outside rare occasion), they have to believei nMichtim for the magic that Michtim work to actually work. Reminds me a bit of 'David the Gnome'.

Now, Michtim DOES have a downside or two. Sometimes information can be a bit scattered. The few entries on monsters spring to mind, with them all being stuck in the included adventure near the end of the book. The order the chapters fall in puzzled me a bit, but isn't a problem once you learn what the symbols mean. (A process that takes all of two minutes).

No stats were included for the Nocturna, owl-beasts that the Michtim fight and fly. Naughty naughty, friend Mir. Though I've been spoiled ot Engine Heart's habit of putting several short stat blocks in the back of the book for various challenging critters, so I suppose that's just me being cranky.

Bottom line? Michtim is a good, solid game with a few quirks. Much like the titular characters, actually. I'd recommend this game for getting your yongsters into adventuring, or for an endearing romp with your regular group in between campaigns.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim Hero Sheet
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/15/2013 12:18:52

It is always good to have a nice character sheet for your game. This one has the most basic moves right on it, as well as the xp requirements to gain new powers for experienced Michtim. As Michtim can only carry three items of equipment, there are places for them on the sheet. Graphically strong. Even pretty.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim Hero Sheet
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Calling Cards for Michtim RPG
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/15/2013 12:13:50

I simple and easy way to have the callings at your paws' ends. No more forgetting your powers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Calling Cards for Michtim RPG
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/06/2013 20:03:38

I was rather surprised to find how good this game seems to come together. I was also expecting some kind of goofy cutesy little furballs in trouble sort of thing. What I did not expect was that it could be all that and also really well thought out and intriguing. I am sure I just have to give this a try at the table.

The writing is really good and clear, especially if it has been translated from the German. An audio pronunciation guide for some of the Michtim language terms would be even more awesome, but so long as there are no native German speakers in earshot to offend, I should be fine.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
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Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Dennis S. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 03/05/2013 19:52:02

Michtim is a family-friendly storytelling game that is sure to please any open-minded gamer. The game revolvers around the Michtim, hamster-like creatures that exist hidden from modern-day people, with their own society and customs. They can come into conflict with humans (in secret, as the humans rarely notice) over land and human's encroachment and expansion. Michtim uses a simple dice mechanic where emotions such as Anger represent specific actions in the game. The more of certain emotions you have, the better you'll do at certain actions – but get too emotional and you may start performing those actions at times where they might not be appropriate or advantageous. The document has a lot of content and very slick visual design, with a colorful layout and good formatting. It is an interesting and unique game with a lot of care put into accessibility and aesthetics as well as simple, entertaining gameplay.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Roger L. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 10/16/2012 07:38:21


Michtim RPG kommt als pdf daher, wird aber auch in Kürze als Print-Ausgabe erhältlich sein. Mit 118 Seiten inklusive Front- und Rückcover zeigt es sich nicht als um zu umfangsreich und wäre der Platz auf den Seiten nicht ganz so verschwenderisch genutzt worden, wäre man auch mit weniger Seiten ausgekommen.

Nach Danksagungen und einem Inhaltsverzeichnis inklusive hinterlegter Hyperlinks geht es auch direkt ans Eingemachte. Der Text wird überall von geradezu süßen Zeichnungen aufgebrochen und bietet so dem suchenden Auge etwas Abwechslung neben den gut strukturierten Texten.

Der Nennung wert sind die Icons, die an den Außenrändern der Seiten gut kennzeichnen, in welchem Abschnitt man sich gerade befindet. Ich deutete Platzverschwendung an und in der Tat sind viele Seiten nur zur Hälfte bedruckt. Ja, das sieht schick aus, denn es schafft optischen Freiraum, erinnert mich aber auch an den nutzlosen Whitespace in Google Plus. Dennoch ist das Produkt farblich und gestalterisch durchweg ansprechend. Der vorhandene Index erleichtert die Handhabung

Die Spielwelt

Michtim spielt in unserer Welt, doch abseits der von Menschen ausgetretenen Pfade. Die Michtime leben hinter dem Schleier (engl. veill), der durch die Riten der Menschen, wie z.B. das Hinausstellen von Milch und Keksen für die Heinzelmännchen, erzeugt wird. Er scheint eine Barriere zu sein zwischen unserer Welt und der Welt der kleinen Nicht-Nager. Die Nicht-Nager können Ihn durchdringen, um auf Abenteuer in die Welt der Zweibeiner zu ziehen, aber er schützt die kleinen Wesen vor dem Zugriff der Menschen. Der Schleier wird aber immer schwächer, denn Raubbau an der Natur und zunehmende Aufklärung tun ihr Übriges. Natürlich versuchen die Michtime dieses zu verhindern.

Die Michtim-Gesellschaft ist feudal angehaucht und doch in Häuser und Gilden aufgeteilt. Letzteren schließt man sich an und erhält Gaben der Wertschätzung, die man jedoch auch wieder verlieren kann. Jedes Haus schätzt bestimmte Tugenden und benennt gewisse Sünden. Ein tugendhaftes Verhalten sorgt für einen Anstieg an Ansehen, Ruhm und Gaben, das Wandeln auf dem Sündenpfad kann sogar für Degenerationen körperlicher Art sorgen. An sich sehr soziale Wesen, besuchen Michtime die sog. Fauchschule und lernen dort die Gesetze des Miteinanders. Den Häusern schließen sich die Wesen an, wenn sie die Schule und Ausbildung beendet haben. Von der eigentlichen Welt erfahren wir leider sehr wenig. Die gewaltige Baumhauptstadt Turnaya erinnert mich etwas an eine Mischung des Lebensbaum aus Avatar und der alten Eiche in Legende der Wächter. Turnaya scheint jedoch nur ein Land zu sein, es wird mindestens ein weiteres angedeutet.

Die Regeln

Gewürfelt wird im Normalfall mit xW6 gegen die Zielschwierigkeit von 7. Die Anzahl der Würfel, die man wirft, richtet sich nach der Stufe des Attributes. Attribute sind Emotionen in Michtim. Damit erzielt man einen Treffer. Will man mehr Treffer erzielen, muss man Würfel aus dem Pool entfernen. Schafft man dennoch die Zielschwierigkeit, erzielt man (1+Anzahl entfernter Würfel) Treffer. Jede gewürfelte 6 eines Würfels erzeugt einen Moodmarker. Moodmarker stehen dafür, dass die genutzte Emotion stärker wird. Weitere Würfe auf das gleiche Attribut werden um 1 je vorhandenen Moodmarker erhöht. Das braucht die Marker nicht auf.

Attribute sind in einem Pentagramm angeordnet. Jedem Gefühl stehen zwei gegenüber. Würfelt man auf einem Attribut, welches einem mit Moodmarkern gegenüber gesetzt ist, wirkt jeder Marker mit -1 auf das Ergebnis. Letztendlich kann man Marker opfern und bekommt dafür einen W6. Demzufolge ist es sinnvoll, Marker auch aufzubrauchen, da sie sonst schwächend auf andere künftige Aktionen wirken können. Man kann bis zu drei Moodmarker haben. Es empfiehlt sich, Glasperlen oder andere Zählsteine für die Marker zu verwenden.

Jedem Gefühl sind bestimmte Aktionen zugeordnet, es sind jedoch auch andere vorstellbar. So wird z.B. Anger (Wut) bei Angriffen benutzt, Joy (Freude) für körperliche athletische Aktionen und Fear (Angst) für das Ausweichen. Love (Liebe) kann benutzt werden, um einen anderen Charakter zu heilen.

Die Kampfregeln sind auf diese bisherigen Regeln aufbauen, wenn auch etwas schwergängiger. Michtim kennt verschiedene Verwundungsarten, die alle nachgehalten werden müssen. Mit der siebten Wunde, egal welcher Art, ist ein Michtim ausgeschaltet. Die kleinen Fellbiester sind an sich unsterblich im Gefecht, es sei denn etwas Arges passiert. Was arg ist und was nicht, liegt im SL-Ermessen.

Callings entsprechen im weitesten Sinn Klassen. Bis auf den kleinen Unterschied, dass sie nach einer Nacht Ruhe gewechselt werden können oder mit steigender Erfahrung weitere dazu gekauft werden können. All diesen Callings ist gemein, dass sie Zusatzfähigkeiten für die Nutzung der Moodmarker freischalten. Das eine Calling mag bis zu sieben Marker sammeln dürfen, das nächste kann beim Feind Marker erzeugen, wieder ein anderes klaut Marker vom Feind und ein gänzlich anderes erhält Moodmarker, wenn der Michtim Wunden davon trägt. Hat ein Charakter bereits mehrere Callings, können diese zu neuen Effekten kombiniert werden. Das Regelwerk schlägt hier Varianten vor, diese sollten aber mit dem SL gegengeklärt werden.

Das Spiel kennt 12 Callings, schlägt aber weitere im Appendix vor.

Oben schrieb ich davon, dass es von Vorteil ist, wenn sich ein Charakter an ein Haus angeschlossen hat, dessen Werte hochzuhalten. Spieltechnisch bedeutet dieses, dass Karmapunkte vergeben werden. Karmapunkte können benutzt werden, um Würfel nochmal zu werfen.

Jedes Mal, wenn eine Sünde vollzogen wird, gibt es einen Sin Marker, der es unmöglich macht, neues Karma zu gewinnen und der durch Rollenspiel wieder entfernt werden muss. Die Mitgliedschaft in Häusern ermöglicht den Zugriff auf spezielle Werkzeuge, Ausrüstungen und Waffen.


Die Erschaffung eines neuen Charakters ist sehr einfach. Spieler wählen eine von drei Körperformen und verteilen 7 Punkte auf die Emotionen. Jede von diesen startet mit 1 und darf maximal den Wert von 4 haben. Danach wird ein Calling ausgewählt und der Charakter erhält alle Vorteile der Klasse. Letztendlich wählt man ein Haus und die erste Gabe des Hauses. Das war’s.

Spielbarkeit aus Spielleitersicht

Die Informationen, das Spiel zu leiten, sind überblickbar, sind es doch nicht mehr als die üblichen Regeln. Angenehm ist, dass ein, wenn auch recht lineares, Abenteuer enthalten ist, dass uns aufzeigt, wie man Michtim RPG leiten kann. In diesem Abenteuer finde ich auch Profile von Gegnern und Vorschläge, wie Szenen abzuhandeln sind. Dem vorgegliedert sind einige wenige Ausführungen zur generellen Gestaltung von Abenteuern. Anfolgend werden die wichtigsten NSCs des Michtimiversums mit Profilen und Kurzbeschreibungen dargestellt. Michtim lässt mich etwas allein auf der Position des Spielleiters. Ich habe zwar ein Gefühl, dass ich meine zu wissen, wie der Autor die Spielwelt erdacht hat, mir fehlen aber vor allem detaillierte Beschreibungen der Spielwelt, wie auch Ideen und Anleitungen zum Aufbau von Gegnern. Sicher, ich kann sie spontan entwerfen, aber nichts sagt mir, dass die Feinde dann nicht zu tödlich oder auch u schwach sind. Hier besteht auf jeden Fall Ausbaubedarf.

Spielbarkeit aus Spielersicht

Aus Spielersicht mangelt es auch an Hintergrundbeschreibungen. Da ist wiederum die SL gefragt, Dinge schlicht vorzugeben. Das Regelsystem ist sehr leichtgängig, birgt aber die Gefahr des Diskussionspotentials. Vor allem sehe ich diese Gefahr, wenn es darum geht, welches Emotionsattribut von den beiden entgegengesetzten nun wirksam ist, so ggf. Marker darauf liegen. Hier ist es nicht klar geregelt, was wo greift. Wieder muss ich mir einen Teil dazu denken, in der Hoffnung, es so auszulegen, wie der Autor es sich gedacht hat. Klare Worte fehlen leider. Damit kommt man dann auch schnell zur gefürchteten Spielleiter-Entscheidung, die bei modernen Rollenspielsystemen nicht gern gesehen wird. Also doch ein Touch Old School in Michtim? Schlecht finde ich das nicht, aber man muss mit den Spielern zuvor reden, auf was sie sich einlassen.

Gut und inspirativ finde ich die wechselnden Klassen, die es auch als Multi-Klasse gibt, die Callings. Durch die Kombination derer kann man eine Menge erwirken und auch die Möglichkeit, sie zu wechseln, bringt reaktiven Spielspass.

Ein wenig schräg und unlogisch wird es, wenn der vercyberte Michtim (!) über Nacht sein Calling wechselt und die Implantate weg sind und durch Magiebegabung ersetzt werden.


10 USD für ein ordentlich designtes pdf, das ein sehr niedliches Spiel mit Potential birgt. Da kann man eigentlich nichts falsch machen, denke ich. Selbst wenn es einem nicht zusagt, kann man die eine oder andere Idee aus dem innovativem Regelwerk entleihen. Sehr nett ist auch, dass wer nun das Regelwerk als pdf kauft, eine 5 USD Gutschrift auf die eventuell auch gekaufte Druckversion bekommt.


Michtim RPG ist wirklich niedlich und bereits beim Lesen steigen viele Bilder aus einschlägig bekannten Filmen wie dem oben genannten Legende der Wächter oder auch der grafischen Novelle Mouseguard auf. Das Regelwerk bietet Stärken in Form eines neuartigen Ansatzes, wird aber aufgrund der Marker und gewürfelten 6en statistisch unmäßig aus der Bahn schlagende Kapriolen beinhalten. Schwächen sind mangelnde SL-Unterstützung und viele Stellen, in denen man versucht ist, zu verstehen, was der Autor möchte, aber die passende Textstelle dafür vergeblich sucht. In Summe ein gelungenes Produkt, welches sich angenehm vom Mainstream abhebt, aber Wachstumspotential birgt.


Michtim bietet einige kostenlose Downloads, so z.B. der Charakterbogen und auch Wundmarker zum Ausdrucken. Dazu besucht man die Verlagsseite auf (Klick)

Unsere Bewertung

Erscheinungsbild 3.5v5 Sehr hübsch aufgemacht, augenfreundlich, aber vergeudeter Platz Spielwelt 3v5 Man erfährt einiges über die soziale Struktur, aber fast nichts über die Welt Regeln 4v5 Basiert auf der Wechselwirkung von Gefühlen, sehr innovativ Charaktererschaffung 4,5v5 Eingängig und schnell Spielbarkeit aus Spielleitersicht 3v5 Man versteht, worauf der Autor hinauswill, bekommt aber zu wenig Informationen und Werkzeuge, um interessante Geschichten zu entwickeln Spielbarkeit aus Spielersicht 3,5v5 Die Regeln sind schnell gelernt, die Callings geben genug Möglichkeiten, sich auszutoben Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis 4v5 Fair Gesamt 3,5v5

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Shawn G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/26/2012 12:27:51

Delightful, inviting and cute are all ways to describe Michtim Fluffy Adventures. A fantastic example of gameplay mechanics leading to an immersive roleplay experience.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Michtim: Fluffy Adventures
by Nenad R. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 09/14/2012 02:18:21

At first, I thought that Michtim: Fluffy Adventures was a simple cutesy game, aimed at children, but on reading it, I realised that it has unexpected depths and complexities.

In the game, the players play a Bande of Michtim, intelligent hamster-like creatures (although not rodents, which is explained in an overview of their biology).

There is a firm emphasis on the culture of the Michtim, who seem to live in a very idealised, egalitarian society, and rely on the Veil to keep humans from noticing them.

The game feels a bit like a European Saturday Morning cartoon, complete with an emphasis on conservation. The characters have ratings from 1 to 4 in the various emotions: Joy, Love, Grief, Fear and Anger.

A Michtim normally belongs to one of the three hauses, each one of which places emphasis on a different Michtim virtue (although all are virtues are respected by all hauses)

In addition to that, every Michtim has at least one calling, which can be considered a bit similar to a character class, except that a Michtim can have up to three active at the same time, and can easily switch between them. When determining the result of an action, the Michtim rolls a number of dice equal to the relevant emotion, and adds the numbers together. If she scores above 7, she gets one success. If she wants more successes, she needs to remove dice from her pool, and gets an additional success for each die she does not roll.

For each die that rolls a 6, the Michtim gets a mood token of the emotion she rolled. The token can either give a 1 to the relevant roll, or can be traded in to provide an extra die on the roll. Each emotion also has opposing ones, so a mood in a particular emotion will act as a penalty on the opposing ones. Also, a Michtim can have a maximum of three mood tokens at a time. The only way to get rid of a mood is by trading it in for a die. I really like the mood system. It provides good roleplaying opportunities, as the Michtim find themselves in situations where they have to act according to mood, in order to get rid of the mood tokens, either because the penalty is too steep, or simply to start acquiring new ones.

The Michtim can also gain Karma, by following the Michtim virtues. If they sin against the virtues, they will find themselves unable to gain Karma, as well as the punishment from the Michtim society at large.

The Michtim society is very detailed, and the characters are made to feel to be a real part of it. Technology is not detailed at all, and in the beginning I had the impression of a pseudo-medevial level of tech, until I got to the descriptions of the cyberised Michtim. Although not detailed, the Michtim seem to have advanced technology, although with more emphasis on individual workmanship, rather than mass production.

The sample adventure at the end of the book is a bit of a letdown. It is a very good example of the genre that the game is trying to evoke, but feels very linear.

Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by Michtim: Fluffy Adventures, and the game has a very simple and straightforward system, while providing enough depth and complexity for a very interesting game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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